2011 Message Archive

12/25/11 Brian King What Christmas is All About
12/18/11 Brian King The Story Behind the Christmas Story
12/11/11 Brian King Everyday Joe Everyday Waiting: Part 2
12/04/11 Brian King Everyday Joe Everyday Waiting: Part 1
11/27/11 Brian King Everyday Joe Everyday Temptation
11/20/11 Brian King Everyday Joe Everyday Gratitude
11/13/11 Brian King Everyday Joe Everyday Chaos
11/06/11 Jay Lawson Elevate Elevating My Relationships
10/30/11 Brian King Elevate Elevating My Spirit
10/23/11 Andy & Kaye Martin Elevate Elevating My Impact On The World
10/16/11 Brian King Elevate Elevate My Health
10/09/11 Brian King Elevate Elevate My Mind
10/02/11 Brian King Elevate Elevating My Life – Why It’s Easier Than I Think
09/25/11 Brian King 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why I Can’t Get No…Satisfaction
09/18/11 Brian King 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why The Truth…The Whole Truth…Nothing But the Truth
09/11/11 Brian King 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why Why God Says Don’t Steal
09/04/11 Brian King 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why Illegal Use of Hands
08/28/11 Brian King 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why The Anatomy of Murder
08/21/11 Steve Buss 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why Completely Saved
08/14/11 Jacob Phillips 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why (No Recording)
08/07/11 Brian King 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why False Start
07/31/11 Brian King 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why What’s In A Name? (No Recording-Outdoor Service & Baptism)
07/24/11 Brian King 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why No Substitutes
07/17/11 Brian King 1st and 10: Understanding What God Wants and Why Why Study the 10 Commandments?
07/10/11 Brian King VBS Kick-Off (No Recording)
07/03/11 Brian King Finish Strong Against the Wind
06/26/11 Brian King Finish Strong Overcoming Obstacles
06/19/11 Brian King Finish Strong How Can I Endure?
06/12/11 Ryan Moore American Idols (Sorry no recording made)
06/05/11 Steve Buss See Everything Clearly
05/29/11 Brian King Living Inside Out The Ringtones of My Life
05/22/11 Brian King Living Inside Out Living What I Believe
05/15/11 Brian King Living Inside Out Finding My Voice
05/08/11 Brian King Living Inside Out What’s The First Step?
05/01/11 Brian King Living Inside Out Can I REALLY Make a Difference?
04/24/11 Brian King Living Inside Out Mirrors Happy Easter!
04/24/11 Brian King Living Inside Out Video Clip Shown During Service 4/24
04/17/11 Brian King Beyond Sibling Rivalry
04/10/11 Brian King 2 Corinthians Unshakeable The Last Pitch
04/03/11 Brian King 2 Corinthians Unshakeable Unshakeable Strength
03/27/11 Jay Lawson 2 Corinthians Unshakeable
03/20/11 Brian King 2 Corinthians Unshakeable Counterfeits
03/13/11 Brian King 2 Corinthians Unshakeable Jr. High Living
03/06/11 Brian King 2 Corinthians Unshakeable How a Church Handles Money
02/27/11 Brian King 2 Corinthians Unshakeable Why be Generous? (Part 2)
02/20/11 Brian King 2 Corinthians Unshakeable Why be Generous?
02/13/11 Brian King 2 Corinthians Unshakeable We Need to Talk
02/06/11 Ryan Moore Gospel-Centered Living
01/30/11 Brian King Take It To The Limit “Times Management”
01/23/11 Brian King Take It To The Limit Contents Under Pressure
01/16/11 Brian King Take It To The Limit The Facts of Life
01/09/11 Brian King Take It To The Limit Part 1
01/02/11 Brian King Looking Back…Reaching Forward