This Spring, we’re exploring the Bible in a new series called Godspell to discover exactly what makes the good news good. Godspell is the old English word for Gospel, and both mean “good news” or “good story.” This series is all about the greatest news ever: Jesus loves us enough to lay down His life for our sins, yet He’s alive today to live inside of us and change us for grace and good.
Over the next weeks, we’re going to explore the Scripture to discover the essence of grace. We’ll talk about what we get wrong and how we can get it right. It turns out we get a lot wrong. Since Jesus’ grace is so good, we’re going to dig in to make sure we get the good news right and know how to share it simply with others.
God is doing something special these days that you don’t want to miss. And your friends truly need to experience what God is doing. Bring someone with you this week at 9:00am or 10:45am. If you can’t make it in person, we’re online at 9:00am and all week.