Harvest Student Ministry exists to bring middle and high school students throughout the greater Eugene area, into a personal encounter with Jesus so that their lives are changed forever, from the inside out. Our aim is to create a safe place for students to encounter God through relevant teaching and small groups; to grow closer to other students through community while playing fun games, hanging out and eating delicious snacks; and reaching out to their lost friends with His love through outreach events.
For more information, contact Julie Ulm (Student Pastor):
Meeting Times: Sundays 6:00p-8:00p in the Youth Room Sundays 10:15a-10:45a in the Youth Room
Acts 2:42 ESV
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

30 Before is a time for students grades 6-12 to hang out together between services, from 10:15-10:45. We will open up the youth room and have Do-nut holes and juice for students! Students can attend the 9:00 or 10:45 service with their families.
Additionally, we will have various outings and seasonal parties, with our goal to build connections and unity among our students.
Harvest Student Ministries wants to keep parents as involved with their student as possible. We hold a quarterly parent meeting as well as send out a weekly email. If you are interested in receiving this email, send an email to requesting to be put on the email list.